Sunday, 22 May 2011

Mesothelioma Surgery Options

It is unfortunate that taking biopsies from buildup of fluid when mesothelioma is suspected of not always conclusive. To ensure that indeed that the disease, mesothelioma surgery was then performed.

One of the less invasive method to perform thoracoscopy, which allows the surgeon to see the area when taking multiple tissue samples. He also can perform pleurodesis (removal of fluid accumulation) at that time if the tumor has not fill the pleural space. This procedure will almost always provide a definitive diagnosis. If this is not possible, biopsy, more invasive open to be done.

Another surgery for mesothelioma is video-assisted chest surgery. In this case, the surgeon makes a small incision, examining the pleural space using a camera, and take a sample which is then sent to a pathologist. This is not the preferred method, because it is more likely to spread the cancer cells than with those thoracoscopy.

When enlarged lymph nodes are found through any tests used imaging, mediastinoscopy is possible to state cancer rates in the area. If the imaging showed that the tumor had invaded the diaphragm, laparoscopy can be used. These procedures are needed to determine whether a patient should undergo extrapleural pneumonectomy or a pleurectomy.

mesothelioma palliative surgery is a procedure that treats the symptoms rather than aggressively attacking the disease. The pleurodesis mentioned above, the collision pleuroperitoneal, pleurectomy, and chest tube drainage, is a type of palliative surgery. The pleural effusion is usually the first symptom that sent the patient to the doctor to diagnose.

Unfortunately, fluid can back constantly if the pleural space is not closed. Powder or talc powder mixture used to complete the closure, by way of video-assisted thoracic surgery (vat). If a tumor that surrounds the lungs and limits the expansion, this method will not be effective.

There mesothelioma that are considered potentially curative surgery. In this case, the ideal is to remove all the disease, while understanding that some cancer cells may remain in the body. Adjuvant therapy (chemotherapy) and then used in hopes of killing remaining cells are left behind.

Extrapleural pneumonectomy is a very serious surgery that mesothelioma will only recommend if the medical team feel the patient has a good chance to survive and recover. They will consider the kidney and liver function, heart function, lung function, age and level of infiltration of cancer. If you have mesotheliom, this type of surgery should be discussed thoroughly with your doctor. You have to really understand both the risks and benefits possible.

While I could go into all the options available, which are required for long here. You can click below to learn more about mesothelioma surgery options, and what you need to know.

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