Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Facts about Lung Cancer - Statistics You Must Know About This Type of Cancer

We often can go without realizing the danger, just because we do not know anything about it. As long as you learn some important facts of lung cancer, you will know more about the condition, its spread and severity. Hopefully, this information handy will allow you to identify and more clearly see the threat. In turn, you will have the confidence and willingness to take steps for prevention.

Lung cancer causes the largest number of cancer deaths. Statistics show that this disease causes the deaths of around 175,000 people every year in the U.S. alone. However, this is not because of lack of prevention. In fact, according to medical and scientific community, this is the most preventable of all cancers.

It has been estimated that 250,000 people are diagnosed with the condition every year in the United States alone. Statistics show that most patients 40 to 70 years. The patients, younger than 30, about 1% of all patients. People over age 70 is about 10% of all patients.

There are 20 types of tumors that can grow in the lungs. The most common type has been divided into 2 groups - non-small cell cancer and small cell cancer. There are three subtypes of non-small cell cancer. The large cell carcinoma affects between 10% and 15% of all patients. Squamous cell carcinoma affects about 30% of all patients. adenocarcinoma is the most common type of lung cancer which accounts for 40% of all cases of the condition.

Small cell cancers are the most aggressive of all, though not as common in other types. Statistics show that about 75% of all patients with this condition have metastasizes, spreading tumor, at the time of diagnosis.

85% to 90% of all cases of the condition is caused by smoking. This includes second hand smoke. People who smoke one pack of cigarettes per day is 20 times more likely to develop lung cancer than non-smokers. If you smoke two packs per day, this risk is more than 30 times higher. If you are a smoker increases the risk of second hand 2 to 3 times.

The number of people living within 5 years after being diagnosed with lung cancer is 15% of all diagnosed. It has been estimated that this percentage will increase by 1% every year.

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